Why Your Business Needs A Commercial Electrical Inspection?

There are many components in your electrical system than other systems in your commercial space. There are numerous wires, parts, and devices that make up the electrical system. Every wire is going to appliances, outlets, switches, and light fixtures. But, are you sure they are hooked up correctly and safely? One way to find out is to have Atlanta commercial electrical contractors to perform an electrical inspection. 

Whether you are upgrading your current electrical system or buying a new commercial property, you should have an electrical inspection done to your place. The main reasons to call Atlanta commercial electrical contractors and do the work are: 

·         National and Local Code regulations change constantly

·         Buying a new building is a costly investment

·         To make sure your organization is safe


Regardless if you are leasing or buying a space for commercial purpose, an electrical inspection is a must. This is to help detect electrical risks in your commercial property such as electrical faults that bring about explosions or electrical fires, and contact with exposed parts, causing electric shock and injury. 

What do Atlanta commercial electrical contractors look for during an electrical inspection? 

Lighting. Halogen lamps are fast becoming the outdated version of lighting in office spaces. These lamps are high risk and should be replaced with more energy-efficient and cost-effective LED lights. In a large venue like a commercial building, it is vital to remove and identify the risk of obsolete lighting like overheating and fire. 

Damaged or outdated wiring. When a commercial electrician checks the wiring in your business premises, they typically look at exposed wires, uncovered permanent wires, and damaged wires. Any sort of damage to wiring increases the danger of an electrical fire within your property. 

Exit and emergency lighting. If you are an owner of a building or a building manager, you need correct implementation and maintenance of lighting in the exit and emergency areas. These permanently illuminated lights are necessary due to health, building, and safety codes. 

Electricity leaks or waste. Wiring problems can cause appliances to leak more electricity than they normally require. This gradual electricity loss can quickly increase your energy bills. Electricity leaks are usually due to faulty wiring. This is another reason why commercial electrical contractors should check your systems. 

Testing and tagging. The process of testing and tagging is a core element of a comprehensive commercial electrical inspection. It involves checking equipment and appliances for visual damage before being subjected to electrical testing. 

Power surges. Not only can power surges lead to more severe outcomes such as electrical fires, but they can also cause damage to the electrical appliances in your commercial building. Fortunately, installing surge protectors can remove the risk of power surges to devices like printers, computers, televisions, and telephone lines. 

After the electrical inspection, the commercial electrical contractors usually provide an official report that indicates all the work done as well as a list of any problems and the recommended solution. If you want to remove any electrical risks in your commercial property, then make sure to have the necessary electrical inspection.


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